
Join the nearly 5,000 businesses already using YouScience® Employer Spotlight

Employer Spotlight revolutionizes career matching by leveraging a student’s unique aptitudes, interests, and earned knowledge and skills with in-demand career fields.

Identify next-generation candidates

The future of work and talent shortages require that you influence and support ideal candidates early. YouScience® helps you build awareness for your company and industry with candidates as early as middle and high school.

Fill your talent pipeline

Awareness is one thing, helping talent develop and certify the skills required to do the job is another. YouScience identifies and certifies potential candidates and aligns them to your industry, opening a new untapped talent source.

Get involved with your community

Many communities are losing talent. Retain local talent and reduce the talent shortage by exposing real, in-demand opportunities to certified and best-fit local talent with YouScience.

Identify next-generation candidates

The future of work and talent shortages require you to influence and support ideal candidates early. YouScience helps you build awareness of your firm and industry with candidates as early as middle and high school.

Fill your talent pipeline

Awareness is one thing, helping talent develop and certify the skills required to do the job is another. YouScience identifies and certifies potential candidates and aligns them to your industry, opening a new untapped talent source.

Get involved with your community

Many communities are losing talent. Retain local talent and reduce the talent shortage by exposing real, in-demand opportunities to certified and best-fit local talent with YouScience.

The talent shortage is causing lost productivity and could cost businesses as much as $8.5 trillion in unrealized revenues by 2030.1

There were more than 11 million job openings in the United States in Q1 of 2022.2

On average U.S. students have 3x more aptitude than interest for the top in-demand career clusters.3

Build awareness with local schools and talent

Simply creating your profile on Employer Connections lets you present your company to thousands of candidates with the right aptitudes and certified in relevant skills.

Access critical knowledge and skills

Candidates who use YouScience have proven aptitudes and certifications that demonstrate understanding of in-demand skills for today’s industries – your industry.

Access critical knowledge and skills

Candidates who use YouScience have proven aptitudes and certifications that demonstrate understanding of in-demand skills for today’s industries – your industry.

Engage and partner

Learn more about how to actively engage with your local schools to build a sustainable talent pipeline that addresses your changing workforce needs.

Is there a talent gap or an exposure gap?

Students today have the aptitude to do the most important and pressing jobs, so why is there a labor shortage? Read the State of the Future U.S. Workforce report to find out what’s happening and how to solve it.

Aptitude & Career Discovery brochure

Learn how YouScience helps empower student success.

A look at the talent shortage

Women, STEM, and the Talent Shortage.

What is numerical reasoning?

Learn more about one of the 9 aptitudes Aptitude & Career Discovery assesses.

Career prep for students

How one school district uses Aptitude & Career Discovery to help students prepare.